Monday, 2 May 2011

Outdoor shoot May 1st 2011

Seems ages since I last blogged, or for that matter managed to fit a outdoor shoot into my schedule, but thats exactly what I did today.

My victim, sorry, subject for the photoshoot was Oonagh, who isn't a model, but was originally one of our wedding clients and who recently booked in to the studio for a boudoir shoot. After a chat online she decided to come and have an outdoor shoot done too.

The day began early morning in a local ecology park, where we shot a few images amongst the trees and surroundings, before we moved to a nearby underpass, then eventually off to a local beach.

If you would like to try something similar, then why not get in touch. You can contact us by phone on 01642 887630, by email, find us on Facebook at or even on Twitter @amethysttweet

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Cosmic Girls Music Video Shoot BaseHQ Newcastle 27th Feb 2011

The Cosmic Girls, Stephanie and Charlotte, are twin sisters, who had a great start to their careers when they were chosen to be the backing singers of Duffy on her world tour.

We were lucky enought to meet them at Stockton Riverside Firework Display in 2010, when they were performing in front of 100,000 people and we were one of the official photographers at the show, which also included a performance by Joe McElderry of X Factor fame.

Over the last couple of months, the girls have signed to a record label and are releasing their first single, "The One", around April time and were filming their first ever music video, and we were delighted to be asked to go and photograph the behind the scenes shots as the day progressed.

During the shoot, they worked with Bright Eyes Media on filming, Emily Emmett and Palatial Hair on Hair and Makeup and were looked after throughout the day by, the record labels very own, Alexander McNeil

From makeup through to filming, we snapped the various people who were working on the video, from the makeup and hair stylists, to the production crew and backing musicians.

Although it was quite a long process for them, spirits were high throughout the day and we left with a good set of images.

During the filming, we were interviewed for a promotional video about the filming, and we look forward to seeing the finished film.

Good luck to the girls with the release of their single and we hope they do brilliantly

Tweet Girls Calendar Shoot Walworth Castle Thurs 24th Feb 2011

After months of anticipation, we finally got the opportunity to work on the Tweet girls calendar in aid of Help For Heroes and The Bluelamp Foundation.

The calendar is a collection of women, who all use Twitter across the country, getting down to bare essentials in a series of boudoir style shots, at four locations across the UK.

We were delighted to be able to shoot the first one at Walworth Castle, but the day didn't start off well, when we arrived to find not only building works going on around the outside of the castle, but also to be told there was no water inside the castle either.

Despite that, the makeup girls Katy, from Make-up by Katy (@makeupbykaty) and Kay from Princess hair and makeup got to work on our budding models, before Sarah (@elizabethwells), from Elizabeth Wells lingerie, got the ladies secured into their stunning corsets..

First to shoot were Gina (@byginaevents), the organiser, Michelle (@onebigpresent), and our makeup artist Katy (@makeupbykaty). They did a bridal boudoir shot outside the castle, and despite the blinding sunshine and cold wind, they got us off to a flying start.

Back inside everyone was working hard on our next shot, which was a Tea Party themed shot inside the apartment, Walworth Castle had kindly loaned the organisers.

This involved, Vicky (@nedaycrafts), Angela (AR_BWV) and our very own photographer, Julie (@whisperboudoir), sitting around eating cake and drinking tea, a hard job, but someone has to do it.

Our final themed shot involved Donna (@motherpreneur), and Sarah (@elizabethwells), and these two had the daunting task of shooting a halloween themed shot in Walworth Castles very own dungeon. With arched ceilings and cobwebs hanging everywhere we quickly worked on a few shots.

During the day, several of the ladies had their very own boudoir shots done by Julie, and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Promotional photos will be shown here once the organisers have a chance to do their work.

We'll give you more information no buying the calendar as soon as we have it.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Nicola and Liam Wedding Gisborough Hall Jan 30th 2011

We were priviliged to be at the wedding of Nicola and Liam at Gisborough Hall, as we had been the photographers at the wedding of her brother Karl last year, so I am guessing we must have done something right.

Here are a few sample shots from the day.

If you would like to speak to us regarding your wedding photography, we'd be happy to hear from you.
Telephone 01642 887630, email or visit the website

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Featured Wedding Supplier Your Wedding at Loch Lomond

This weeks featured wedding supplier is wedding directory and blogger YourWedding at Loch Lomond

What is your wedding business, and when did you start it?

Our wedding business is an online wedding directory that is aimed at brides to be getting married in Loch Lomond in Scotland, and provides them with information on local and national wedding suppliers who can supply to that area.

We came up with the idea in 2007, as a means of expanding my husband’s links page, which was getting too full, and also from discussions with other wedding suppliers who felt advertising costs were too high.

What makes your service unique?

We are unique in that we offer free advertising to all wedding suppliers who can provide to the Loch Lomond area. We are passionate about supporting wedding suppliers to grow and develop their businesses, regardless of their hours of work, where they work and how long they have been in business. 

What is the best thing about doing what you do?

Definitely the numerous “thank you” messages that I get from wedding suppliers who have had bookings through our website. In fact, one small wedding supplier told me a few days ago that in the 3 months since she joined our directory, she has had more bookings than ever before and she wouldn’t go anywhere else!

What can you offer your clients to use your services?

For brides to be, we offer:
  • A wide variety of wedding suppliers in each category to choose from.
  • Discounts and special offers
  • Wedding fairs where they can meet our suppliers face to face
  • A discussion forum where they can post questions and chat to other brides to be.
  • A Facebook page where we provide regular updates, as well as 6 other social media pages.
  • A printed brochure 

For suppliers we offer:
  • Free advertising – this will never change. While other directories may have a yearly fee, ranging from £10 per year up to £300, we will remain free.
  • The opportunity to share news and discounts with our brides to be
  • Regular newsletters
  • Inclusion in our printed brochures
  • Adverts placed on a first come, first served basis, not in order of preference, or on what you pay.
  • The opportunity to take part in our wedding fairs
  • The opportunity to submit a ‘guest blog’ article to our blog, to further promote themselves to our brides to be.
  • Regular opportunities to meet with us and with our other suppliers, to develop the sense of ‘team’.

What has been you're favourite moment in your business?

In 2010, we were nominated for six awards. We’ve already started to be nominated for awards in 2011.

I also enjoy getting to know other wedding professionals, networking and helping each other grow.

Do you have anyone you aspire to?

I read a lot of fantastic blogs out there which give me lots of ideas and I’m good friends with other directories and we also swap ideas. In fact, I am collaborating with some on a few projects this year.

Where do you hope to be in five years time with your business?

I have a lot of ideas that I am keeping to myself right now, but we will definitely still be around in five years time.

Facebook: Your Wedding at Loch Lomond

Images courtesy of

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Angela and Gary Wedding Hardwick Hall December 17th 2010

Angela is a local businesswoman near our studio in Stockton and booked us to cover her wedding to Gary at Hardwick Hall in Sedgefield.

Despite the freezing temperatures of this snowy winter wedding, both Angela and Gary braved the icy conditions to get some shots outside.

Here are a selection of images from the day.




If you would like to speak to us about your wedding photography, please email, telephone 01642 887630 or visit the website