Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Violet Photoshoot August 16th 2010

Met with Violet earlier this week, Violet had emailed and booked a model portfolio shoot and travelled over from Darlington.

Also in during the shoot was makeup artist Vicky Robinson from Make Up By Vicky, who worked on a few looks with Violet.

Had a laugh during the shoot with Violet, who is a non stop chatterbox, which if anyone knows me is something rather extaordinary, and also very fussy with the McDonalds order :-)

Anyway here are a few from the shoot.

For a photoshoot and makeover of your own email, telephone 01642 887630 or visit the website at

Jenny Clewlow Photoshoot August 15th 2010

I finally had the pleasure of meeting and working with Jenny this weekend on a model portfolio shoot after weeks of waiting.

Jenny does a lot of shoots around the UK, but lives in Inverness, in the Highlands of Scotland, so it was great to have her travel through to us.

We started a little later than was hoped due to stupid road closures, but eventually got off to the beach for some shots, before other locations and then back to the studio.

Here are a few taster shots from the shoot.

If you would like to have your own photoshoot done, with or without makeup artist, please email, telephone 01642 887630 or visit the website at

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Our Own Wedding Day

As we post photos from quite a lot of our clients, we thought it only fair to post some images from our wedding photography.

Julie and I have been married for 23 years and decided to renew our wedding vows at Billingham Golf Club, with our close friends and family present.

Our photos were taken by Craig, Dawn and John and here are just a few of our special day.

If you would like us to cover your wedding photography needs, then feel free to give us a ring on 01642 887630, email or visit the website at

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Kim Photoshoot August 10th 2010

As part of our feature in Elite Magazine, we are shooting a few local models and today we met up with Kim, who had travelled to us from Seaham in County Durham for a model portfolio set.

We done a variety of themes and sets, but here are just a random couple from the shoot

If you would like to have a photoshoot with us, please email:, telephone 01642 887630 or visit the website at

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Stephanie Photoshoot August 1st 2010

We first met Stephanie several weeks ago when she came to do some promotional work for the studio. She has a great personality and we'd spoken a couple of times about getting her in for a model portfolio photoshoot, but unfortunately things came up which prevented us getting together.

Eventually though, we got the shoot organised for today and started bright and early and carried on way into the afternoon on a variety of different shots and theme.

Here are just a few from the shoot.

If you would like to have a photoshoot with us, please email:, telephone 01642 887630 or visit the website at